TenCate Geotube® sludge dewatering technology had been applied in a WWTP in order to solve the high solids concentration present in the system. Due to the good results achieved in the sludge dewatering by the Geotube® system, the WWTP managers decided to extend the dewatering platform and apply a new Geotube® unit, continuing the excellent work done so far.

Geotube® technology was the solution implemented in an urban Wastewater Treatment Plant to respond to the significant increase in the sludge volume that inflew  in the wastewater treatment process during the hottest months in Portugal. Geosin supplies and supervises the implementation of the global solution, from materials dedicated to soil sealing to the sludge dewatering technique. This technique allows the sludge confinemnet and storage at the same time.

As an immediate solution to the problem of heavy vehicles access to a WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant), needed for the transport of dewatered sludge, TenCate Geotube® sludge dewatering technology was the solution! Beside dewatering function, confinement and temporary storage simultaneously can be also assured by Geotube® system. It allows continuity of the current dewatering operation until the moment that ideal access conditions of these vehicles to the WWTP have been  restored.

Geotube® MDS® solution is designed for smaller applications and/or small areas. A Geotube® MDS® unit of 9.8m3 capacity, dimensioned for standard containers, allowed the dewatering of 200 m3 of sludge produced in the wastewater treatment process of a textile dyeing industry. Geotube® solution assures an high reduction of the sludge volume (95%) to be managed and allows the WWTP to carry out this operation only once an year.

The TenCate Geotube® technology was used for treatment and dewatering of the sludge accumulated in a lagoon dedicated to urban effluent treatment. The first lagoon had high levels of solids so a fast and effective action was required! Geotube® technology allows high levels of dry matter, providing a significant reduction of the sludge volume to be managed, a considerable reduction in economic costs as well as a reduced footprint, thus contributing positively to this kind operation: cleaning and removal sludge from ponds in public WWTP.